Sunday, November 28, 2010

Ballet Piroutte

The pirouette, a spin around on one leg, is one of the most difficult of all dance steps. To do a pirouette, you must make a complete turn around yourself, while balancing on one leg. A pirouette may be performed en dehors or en dedans. Pirouettes usually begin in fourth, fifth or second position.  

  • Stand in fourth position.
  • Both legs should be straight.
  • If your right foot is in front, make sure your left arm is facing the front, and vice versa.
  • Fix your eyes on a spot at eye level.

Bend both legs into a deep plie.
  • Concentrate on sinking both heels into the floor, so that you can push off into your pirouette.
  • Keep your eyes fixated as you prepare to start the turn.
  • Concentrate on holding your body in a tight position.

Spring up into retire position as you begin your turn.
  • Releve to demi-pointe, or full-pointe if you are wearing pointe shoes, bringing your back foot up to your front leg.
  • Hold your arms in first position.
  • Find your center of balance and hold it tightly.
  • Turn your body and legs together as a unit.
  • Hold your shoulders level.
  • Keep your eyes fixed as long as you can, then whip your head around and focus again.

Hold your body straight while you complete the turn.
  • Stay tight by holding in your abs.
  • Hold your foot exactly in place as you turn.
  • Keep both legs turned out throughout the pirouette.
  • As you spot, make sure your head completes the rotation before your body, as this will prevent dizziness and create momentum.
The ending position of a pirouette is just as important as the beginning position, gracefully end your pirouette in fourth position.

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