Thursday, September 23, 2010

Improv #2

 I felt that the improvisation outside gave me a wider variety to change my movements with the objects around me. I was able to interact more through the space with all the different sizes,shapes and structures there were. Not being able to listen to music was some what challenging, but I found a way to just let myself move with the sounds around me. Also with being in a larger space it was different to view the other dancers from afar or mimic there movement. There were moments when I pretended I could go through the structures or bricks around me. When we were asked to be watched you felt as if you wanted to perform your movements differently or stronger, to be able to really observe the other person and try to understand there movement and why they were doing it. I really enjoyed the improv today because it felt like being free and not always dancing in one room or four walls.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


 I love to dance improvisation. it gives you the freedom to dance in any way shape or form. We learned about using near space, mid-reach and far space. I was able to explore the different elements of the space all around me. Being able to use a partner helped a lot because I got to dance around his energy and let us interfere with each others space. Me and my partner explored crossing throughout the movement, also whenever we mimicked each other it was a challenge because I wasn't sure of what he was going to do next, it was all on simply looking and following his every move. I really liked the thought of having paint on your hands so that whenever you were moving around in your space it felt like you didn't want to miss a spot as if you were in this big bubble around you that you could also go through. It made me more aware of my near far and mid-reach because I was wanting to look through what was closest around me. When we had to keep energy flowing with someone across the room and still dance and have a conversation with them was a challenge because, you could do it with so many people. I really enjoyed this assignment. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Outside Journey

 Since the task was to find any subject of nature, I decided i wanted to observe something with a lot of movement. I was able to sit and watch a bee and follow its movement and the way it created the movement. every couple of seconds it would move to another location. The tempo of the way they moved around was very fast. There wings seemed to always be moving I also followed how it kept its balance and how it flew through the space he was in. Every time I would go near him he would fly away but not too far, after I would walk away  he would slowly go back to that same space. When I was portraying my movement I wanted to make sure I used my hands to show how the wings are a big part of the way the bee moved from one spot to another. I also wanted to use a lot of balance, it seems like when there flying around they use a lot of balance to help them support the way they go side to side.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

bumble bee

i portrayed a bee.. i watched the movement it made the way his wings moved.. how he walked around and turned into a phrase :)